Dr. Marco Schreck
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"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -
it is the illusion of knowledge.

- Daniel J. Boorstin -


MikTeX MikTeX is a LaTeX distribution developed for Microsoft Windows.
WinEdt An excellent editor to be used together with LaTeX. Can be employed for ordinary text files as well.
WinShell Another very good LaTeX editor, which I used when I started with LaTeX.
Kile A fantastic LaTeX editor for Linux.
Ghostscript Ghostscript and Ghostview to generate PS files from LaTeX source code.
XaraX An excellent vector graphics program that can be used to generate versatile vector graphics. Unlike pixel graphics (where positions of single pixels are saved) vector graphics do not lose quality upon changing their sizes. This makes them a reasonable choice for documents written in LaTeX. Second vector graphics need less disk space in comparison to pixel graphics. The user interface of Xara Designer Pro X10 is clearly arranged and not overloaded.
CorelDraw I use CorelDraw as well sometimes,  but I prefer Xara.
FeynMF Feynmf is a LaTeX package that can generate Feynman diagrams. The results are ready for printing and in the context of LaTeX the functionality is quite intuitive.
LaTeX2HTML A Perl program that can translate LaTeX documents directly to HTML. Installation is not that user friendly, which is why I prefer TeX4HT (see below).
TeX4HT A LaTeX package to generate HTML from LaTeX source code. The results are at least as good as the output from LaTeX2HTML.
SelfHTML Very good course to learn HTML.
Programmer's Notepad An editor that supports regular expressions.
Crimson Editor Another nice editor for Windows.
PAW The "Physics Analysis Workstation" is a compilation of versatile functions for data analysis and plotting. Is generates beautiful plots, but it is far from user friendly.
GnuPlot A quite user friendly program for plotting and fitting curves to data. Excellent for science labs!
Putty Putty can be used to login a computer remotely.
SSH Secure Shell for Workstations SSH solution that can be used to login a computer. It is similar to Putty but a bit more user friendly due to its graphic user interface.
FlashFXP FlashFXP is a comfortable and freeware upload manager.
LeechFTP Another freeware upload manager whose development has been stopped unfortunately.
ISIS Draw A freeware program that can be used to draw chemical structural formulas. It generates very nice formulas and is easy to use. The software checks the number of bonds drawn from a particular atom.
Postscript Printer Using this software an arbitrary print job can be sent to a postscript file. Can be useful in case a program cannot export its output directly as a postscript.
Microsoft Dreamspark This allows students to download various Microsoft products for free.
Dict Leo Online dictionary for translations, supports various languages.

Internetseiten von Freunden

Michael Hammer Dies ist die Seite von Michael Hammer, der mit mir studiert hat und jetzt sein Referendariat macht.
Daniel Winkler Seite von einem anderen Kumpel, der auch Informatik in Karlsruhe studiert hat. Hier findet sich auch viel Nützliches wie beispielsweise Skripte zu diversen Vorlesungen.

Physik und Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Viktor Mauch Sehr schöne Seite, die alles beeinhaltet, was Physik in Karlsruhe zu bieten hat. Unbedingt als Lesezeichen aufnehmen!
Physik-Forum Physik-Diskussionsrunde, in der man alles fragen kann, was das Physikstudium am KIT anbelangt. Selbstverständlich werden auch Aktivitäten außerhalb der Uni diskutiert, so wie sich das auch gehört :-)
Fred Stober Auf dieser Seite gibt es einige Praktikumsprotokolle, ein sehr umfangreiches Skript zur theoretischen Teilchenphysik (das mehrere Vorlesungen umfasst), sowie nützliche Software.
Marc Donges Auf Marcs Seite findet man Praktikumsprotokolle und andere nützliche Dinge.
arXiv Hier findet man wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen aus verschiedenen Bereichen: experimentelle und theoretische Physik, Mathematik usw.
Mensa Aktuelles Tagesangebot in der Mensa des KIT.


Marco Schreck, Sep. 2015, proudly created with Microsoft Expression Web 4

Thanks to Christian Benz for the webspace